- Korean undergraduates
- Overseas undergraduates
dotKorean undergraduates
1Nurse license examination references
- Article 7 of the Medical Service Act
- Article 8 of the Medical Service Act
- Article 9 of the Medical Service Act
- Article 10 of the Medical Service Act
2Application qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree from college or university education in nursing certified by the Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing Education.
- Bachelor’s degree from nursing colleges in overseas universities certified by the Minister of Health and Welfare and nursing license issued by specified country.
- Bachelor’s degree with a diploma from nursing colleges or universities certified by the Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing Education prior to admission. [Newly established 2012. 2. 1.] [Enforcement date: 2017. 2. 2] Article 7
3Grounds for disqualification
- Mental patients as specified by Mental Health Act Article 3 of Clause 1. Persons confirmed as a proper applicant by a medical specialist are excluded.
- Addicts of narcotics, hemp, or psychotropic drugs
- Incompetent and quasi-incompetent persons
- Persons as specified by above law or the 「Criminal Act」 Article 233, 234, 269, 270 and Article 317 of Clause 1 as well as Article 347, 「Act on Special Measures for the Control of Public Health Crimes」, 「Regional Public Health Act」, 「Prevention of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Act」, 「Emergency Medical Service Act」, 「Act on the special Measures for Public Health and Medical Services in Agricultural and Fishing Villages」, 「Act on Dissection and Preservation of Corpses」, 「Blood Management Act, 「Act on the Control of Narcotics, ETC」, 「Pharmaceutical Affairs Act」, 「Mother and Child Health Act」 or a person who is sentenced to punishment beyond imprisonment due to infringement of the 「Medical Act」 regulated by presidential decree, and death row inmates.
4National nursing Examination
- Examination overview

※ Health and medical regulations: 「Framework Act on Health and Medical Services」, 「Regional Public Health Act」, 「National Health Promotion Act」, 「Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act」, 「Prevention of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Act」, 「Quarantine Act」, 「Medical Service Act」, 「Emergency Medical Service Act」, 「Blood Management Act」, 「Act on the Control of Narcotics, ETC」,「National Health Insurance Act」 and enforcement ordinances and enforcement regulations.
5Acceptance criterion
- (1) Passing marks are 60% or higher of the total score, and 40% or higher for each subject.
- (2) Applicants without qualification for examination will not be accepted even after final announcement.
- Contact the National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board for more information regarding the national nursing examination.
Contact number: 1544-4244 / Website: www.kuksiwon.or.kr